h_s_saad - Egypt - Dating Singles (Netes Randizás Egyedülálló)
- Last seen a long time ago
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Cairo, Egypt
- Appearance
- Height:
- 5' 7"
- Eyes:
- Black
- Hair:
- Black
- Ethnicity:
- Middle Eastern
- Professional life
- Education:
- College grad
- Occupation:
- Technical / Science / Engineering
- Personal
- Interests:
- Religion, Listening to music, Movies
- Looking for:
i am normal, and ordinary man. i Have nice personality in fact, it iS not eaSy to describe my self, but i can say i am a good mAn. and above that i like iDeas exchange, good mentality 2 disc0ver pers0nality 2 meet my self mate. in fact, i have a theorY about marriage, i can sAy that it seems to ionic bond, every cation and anion are looking for eacH other tO construct the strongest known bOnd. sometimes, it could be covalent bond and the atom shares its outer electrons with other atoms, ofcourse i mean when muslim man marry 2, 3, or 4 wives, but i like ionic bond. if you noticed i said i like to meet my self mate not soul mate because i have another theory; i look to soul as a power that operates the human body, it seems to electricity which operates computer, fans,..etc. but self is the driver of human body who makes him/her deal with others or doing things. so i said self mate who drives her being and emotions toward me and vice versa. thank you very much for understanding. thank you for visiting my profile.